every Thursday from 7:00 p.m.
for Lady's every cocktail 2,50
Koln. An apostrophe's search for asylum in Germany was turned down after it had broken applicable grammatical law in two cases. On a poster seen in Sudstadt/ Chlodwigplatz it had squeezed itself between the y and s of several women who were in the state of genitive, thus pretending only one woman was granted permission to the event, possibly the one vaguely portrayed with raised arms, mop and high heels. In the second case down below the accused caused irritation if not feelings of sickness in passers-by in command of German spelling rules. Claims for compensation are expected. Unfortunately, the German grammar vandal, who was rushing past, couldn't arrest the lawbreaker because she had no sticker or big pen on her. As a further step, the American Grammarvandal was informed and called for help. She said in an interview: "I am very sorry about the damage this sneaky little rascal caused. We are doing all we can to erase the false ones over here, but I had no idea they were now attacking other languages, too". The case has been passed on to NASAGRADE (National Service Against Grammatical Deficiency) to deal with it during the next few days.
1 Kommentar:
Greetings ex Junior Alien,
It always provides me a good laugh to visit your blog. You do a great job of translation for those of us not so fluent in German as you. Actually, for those of not as fluent in English as you, too.
“Fastidious Spelling Snobs..." was a great news item title from your namesake colleague's webpage. I have also heard the term "Spelling NAZI" used here in the US but would imagine that doesn't go over well in the big D.
Would not the name Gramar Vandal be better served by Grammar Vigilante? Moreover you would not have to change the monogram on the bath towels.
Again, my compliments on the blog contents. I continue to be impressed how you keep track of all the nuances of (American) English grammar/spelling from 3,000 plus miles away.
Best wishes to you and your kids,
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